Erich Eberts
I am a biologist and academic coach driven by passions for pursuing immersive experiences in wilderness, learning about the integrative biology of organisms and ecosystems, and sharing my knowledge of and wonder for the natural world with students and fellow nature-enthusiasts.
My PhD research focused on how hummingbirds use torpor (like an overnight hibernation) to save a bunch of energy, so that they can survive and thrive in a wide range of ecological conditions. I am broadly interested in the behavioral and physiological strategies animals use to manage their energy-budgets to persist and thrive in extreme environments and ecological conditions.
I strive to use my research, science communication, and project management skills to engage students in STEAM topics. I am especially enthusiastic about using creative, low or no cost, and widely accessible experimental and observational approaches (like hummingbird feeders!) to help students identify and dive into topics they are excited about, and develop their love for learning.
Please contact me at​​
June 2023: Madison graduated HS and is off to Tufts in August! Congrats!
June 2023: "What Is a Hummingbird" Poem published in U Toronto EEB Quarterly [read here]
May 2023: Officially submitted my final PhD thesis!
May 2023: Eberts and Shankar's featured in Scenic Hudson Article
January 2023: Madison secures patent pending on her novel hummingbird feeder!
January 2023: SICB 2023 torpor symposium!
December 2022: Madison presented her research at AGU [see her project here]
December 2022: Succesfully defended my PhD Thesis!
December 2022: Nesting torpor paper published in Thermal Biology!